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Lever, C., 1992. Lake Nakuru black rhinoceros sanctuary. Oryx 26 (4): 236

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
4. Mr Elliott claims that my statement that 'a further 11 females are due to be added to the park shortly' is 'pure speculation'. This was the figure given to Count Coreth, the founder of Rhino Rescue, by Dr Richard Leakey and Dr Rob Brett of the Kenya Wildlife Service.
5. Mr Elliott is correct in saying that the voltage aimed at for the electric fencing is 7000 and not 700 as stated; this was a misprint.
6. Mr Elliott says that rhinos introduced to Nakuru were released directly into the sanctuary, and that only injured animals were first acclimatized in the holding pens; in general this is correct.
7. Mr Elliott claims that my statement that 'the founding stock was deliberately kept low to encourage the animals to breed more freely' was 'never true for black rhinos'. I am afraid that Mr Elliott has clearly not read my article very carefully, or he would have realized that I was referring to the founding stock of black rhinos at Nakuru, and not to that at Solio where he was Warden.

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