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Bigalke, R., 1947. The adulteration of the fauna and flora of our national parks. South African Journal of Science 43: 221-225

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
According to Stevenson-Hamilton (7), the Square-lipped or White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) disappeared from the Low Veld about the sixties of the nineteenth century and the Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in the nineties.. He expresses the opinion that their extinction was due to the activities of Joao Albassini's native hunters, who hunted for ivory and skins in the Low Veld.
In 1895, however, Kirby (4) came across a cow and a big calf of. the Square-lipped Rhinoceros in the Matamiri bush along the south bank of the Sabi River. According to him this area was a favourite resort of Ceratotherium simum for many years, though it was decidedly rare there in the year 1895 and altogether extinct by 1896.
The Square-lipped Rhinoceros has never reappeared in the Kruger National Park, nor could this be expected, since the nearest specimens are found in Zululand at a distance of about 250 miles from the southern boundary of the Kruger Park.

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