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Wroughton, R.C., 1918. Bombay Natural History Society's mammal survey of India, Burma and Ceylon: Report no. 29: Pegu. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 25 (3): 472-481

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Myanmar (Burma)
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Asian Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Bombay NHS Mammal Survey. Have found absolutely fresh tracks, but have not shot one. Very local. I think it is always a local animal in the most restricted sense. It lives for a week, a month, or considerably longer in an area of, say, three to four square miles, then moves to a considerable distance, returning often after three or four moves, to the original locality. I know a small area in the PeguYomas where a Rhino has lived for at least eighteen months. Old and fresh tracks had been found at Christmas, 1914, and I found fresh tracks, and tracks from the 1915 rains, in January, 1916.

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