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Loch, C.W., 1937. Rhinoceros sondaicus: the Javan or lesser one-horned rhinoceros and its geographical distribution. Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 15 (2): 130-149, pls. 3-4, table 1

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
In an interesting book by Colonel Pollock and W. S. Thom 'Wild Sports of Burma and Assam' many references to the existence of the Javan rhinoceros occur. Pollock writes:
' I may here mention about them in Assam - as I intend to give a short sketch of wild sport in that Province - that I shot there forty-four to my own gun, and probably saw some sixty others slain, and lost wounded full - as many as I killed.'
The latter paragraph, no doubt, refers to all species of rhino. Colonel F. T. Pollock spent seven years, in the '60s, in Assam, and was an accurate observer and keen shikari. If one European can, in seven years, account for so many little wonder that the Javan rhinoceros is now extinct in the country. Most interesting accounts are given in this book of hunting the rhinoceros both in Assam and Upper and Lower Burma, but rarely is the species specified.

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