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Momin, K.N.; Shah, D.R.; Oza, G.M., 1973. Great Indian rhinoceros inhabited Gujarat. Current Science 42 (22): 801-802, figs. 1-3

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Period 8000-1200 BC. Reported earlier from Langhnaj, N. Gujarat and from Lothal, a famous chalcolithic site.
Excavations in 1972-73 around Kaneval, 20 km NW of Xambay. Semifossilized bones were collected:
(1) two pieces of cervical vertebrae from Khaksar, on southern side of Kaneval lake.
(2) a cervical vertebra from Valotri village, 8 km north of Tarapur on Anand-Cambay railway;
(3) proximal end of tibia from chalcolithic mound on northern side of Kaneval Lake.
Evidence shows that rhino existed in the swampy, grassy and wooded forest areas of Gujarat in period 8000 BC to 1200 BC.

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