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Baldyrgan Seralievna Kozhamkulova (1930-2014), palaeontologist, in 1955
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Baldyrgan Seralievna Kozhamkulova (1930-2014), palaeontologist, in 1955

Author: “S.M. Kirov” Kazakhstan State University, at present “Al’-Farabi” Kazakh State University
Year: 1955
Description: A rare photograph of prof. Baldyrgan Seralievna Kozhamkulova (1930-2014) at the time (1955) when she was a promising aspiring scientist. Baldyrgan Seralievna was born on March 30, 1930 in Alma-Ata (presently Almaty, southern Kazakhstan), in a large family of Kazakh famous artists. Her father, Serali (Serke) Kozhamkulov, is one of the founders of the Kazakh drama theater, one of its first leaders. Her mother was a theater artist as well. In a house where theater and music breathed, like her brothers and sisters, Baldyrgan Seralievna received a very strict musical education. However, she was "terribly" fascinated by science. Thus, disappointing her family, she decided to take a different path than the other members of her family. In 1954, Baldyrgan Seralievna graduated in biology at the “S.M. Kirov” Kazakhstan State University (presently “Al’-Farabi” Kazakh State University). Later, in 1964, Baldyrgan Seralievna brilliantly defended her PhD dissertation "Review of the Anthropogene fauna of the Kazakh SSR" under the guidance of the famous palaeontologist, professor Valer’yan Semenovich Bazhanov. Thus, she becomes a palaeontologist, the first female palaeontologist of the history in Kazakhstan. The remaining 56 years of her life (20 of which she was in charge of the Laboratory of Palaeobiology of the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR), Baldyrgan Seralievna Kozhamkulova devoted herself to a lot of excavation works, to the study and systematisation of an incredible number of animal species that lived on Kazakhstan territory during the Anthropogene period (from 1,000,000 to 10,000 years ago). Among all these species, rhinoceroses particularly “shine”. Baldyrgan Seralievna Kozhamkulova was an incredibly prolific author: 4 handbooks, 52 articles, and 150 scientific papers. It is essential to underline that her huge contribution to the development of palaeontology and the history of Kazakhstan continues to be used by the international scientists in modern research.
(text translated from Russian by e.b.)
Location: Asia
Subject: Bibliography
Species: Fossil
File Size: 156,0 kb
Dimensions: 1024x840 px
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