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Posted: May 28 2011, 01:54 PM |
I've read about two major conservation techniques:
Guns and Fences, which gets a bad rap for putting off the inevitable and Community Conservation
I'm wondering which one is more effective, and where? When I mean more effective, I mean it has to be cost effective, result on population effective (rhino population in the area increases), and people effective (people benefit).
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New User

Posts: 9
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Posted: Feb 1 2012, 11:16 AM |
Sorry to say this, but (1) as long as a rhino horn is valued 100.000 €, which is probably the equivalent of 10.000.000 € in Europe and (2) as long as criminal gangs, who can just push the local population aside, target the rhinos I see the only way to save them, especially the Indonesian species, is 24 h protection by armed rangers. Non-bribed armed rangers. Non-bribed armed rangers supported by non-bribed government officials. This would not be too expensive (cheaper than air-lifting a 3-footed rhino for a PR-stunt) - and therefore will not happen.
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Posted: Aug 20 2013, 09:25 AM |
It really does depend on the area. In some places such as Damaraland in Namibia (Desert Black Rhino) community involvement is really getting results. Whilst in other places, such as the KNP in South Africa - geographic factors combined with the sheer scale of the poaching problem make community conservation ON IT'S OWN an ineffective solution. Both of these solutions have disadvantages however so, in my opinion, the best way to mitigate these is to combine both conservation strategies, as is done in Kenya's Ol Pejeta Conservancy. As home to some of the last Northern White Rhinos and the largest black rhino sanctuary in East Africa it is hard to doubt it's credentials. Poaching does still happen in Ol Pejeta but that is a sad consequence of the dense population of rhino. This is opposed to Damaraland where rhino population density is comparatively less. Although these examples are very specific to Africa, the solutions theoretically could be applied to at risk rhino populations in Asia.
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