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Title: New material of Aprotodon lanzhouensis (Perissodactyla, Rhinocerotidae) from the Early Miocene in Northwest China
Author(s): Zhaoyu Li; Yongxiang Li; Yunxiang Zhang; Kun Xie; Zhichao Li; Yu Chen
Year published: 2021
Journal: Geological Journal
Volume: 56 (9)
Pages: 4779-4787
File: View PDF: 1,6 mb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - East Asia - China
Aprotodon is an extinct genus of the family Rhinocerotidae with a peculiar morphology that is mainly embodied in the wide mandibular symphysis and a pair of prominent second low incisors. The genus once lived on the vast grasslands of Asia, from Pakistan, and Kazakhstan to China, during the Late ...

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