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Title: Scapula of the Great Indian rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis)
Author(s): Bordoloi, C.C.; Kalita, H.C.; Kalita, S.N.; Baishya, G.
Year published: 1993
Journal: Indian Veterinary Journal
Volume: 70 (June)
Pages: 540-542
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South Asia - India - Assam
Morphology - Skeleton
Indian Rhino
Rhinoceros unicornis, Kaziranga, Assam, India. The scapula is a well-developed but less triangular flat bone. It is placed obliquely downward and forward on the anterolateral aspect of the thoracic cavity. It presents two surfaces, three borders and three angles. The lateral surface is divide...

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