Reference Base Oestrous cycle induction in a white rhinoceros (Ceratothe... |
Title: |
Oestrous cycle induction in a white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) monitored by fecal progestagen analysis |
Author(s): |
Schwarzenberger, F.; Walzer, C. |
Year published: |
1995 |
Journal: |
Verhandlungsbericht des Internationalen Symposiums uber die Erkrankungen der Zootiere |
Volume: |
37 |
Pages: |
79-83, fig. 1 |
File: |
View PDF: 397,4 kb |
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White Rhino
Reproductive rate of white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum simum and C. s. cottoni) in captivity is very poor. A recent study using faecal progestagen evaluations indicated missing or erratic luteal activity as a possible reason. Faecal progestagen evaluations in one white rhinoceros kept at Sa... |