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Title: Exhibition of rhinoceros in Antwerp, Belgium
Author(s): Douwe Mout
Year published: 1743
Journal: Gazette van Antwerpen
Volume: 14 June 1743
Pages: 4
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Captive - Europe
Captivity - Before 1800
Indian Rhino
Anonymous, 1743. Exhibition of rhinoceros in Antwerp, Belgium. Gazette van Antwerpen 14 June 1743: 4

Aen alle Heeren ende Dames, Dat alhier is te sien in de St. Pieters Vliet eene levendige Rinoceros van 4. Jaaren oude, wegende 3500. ponds swaer, wiens weerga hier noyt bevorens en is gewee...

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