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Title: Experimenta noa (ut vocantur) Magdeburgica de vacuo spatio, primum a Gaspare Schotto nunc vero ab ipso auctore perfectius edita, variisque aliis experimentis aucta: quibus accesserunt simul certa quaedam de aeris pondere circa terram; de virtutibus mundanis, et systemate mundi planetario; sicut et de stellis fixis, ac spatio illo immenso, quod tam intra quam extra eas funditur
Author(s): Guericke, O. de
Year published: 1672
Publisher: Amstelodami, J. Janssonium à Waesberge
Volume: -
Pages: -
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

On the rhinoceros of Quedlinburg, Germany

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