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The RRC database contains a total of 42843 Notes which are linked to 28979 References. Furthermore, 29114 PDF's containing copies of pages from books and journals are available.

Newest PDFs:

Newark T., 2015
Spassov, N. et al., 2018
Wild Life Preservation Society of India et al., 1962
Stracey, P.D., 1962
Keeling, C.H., 1985
Nair, P.T., 1989
Regmi, D.R., 1995
Keeling, C.H., 1995
Wenzel, S., 1998
Rhodes,, 1651
SADC, 2001
Keeling, C.H., 2001
Shahi, S.P., 1982
Baidya, K.N., 1982
Gregson, J., 2002
Coghlan, A., 2003
Brezina, J et al., 2021
Neumann-Denzau, G., 2007
Dadlani, C., 2015
Spillett, J.J., 1967
Gee, E.P., 1966
Chaturvedi, M.D., 1968
Banerjee, R., 1973
Waller, R., 1973

Rhino Literature & Articles

The RRC website provides access to an extensive database of indexed and tagged references, abstracts and full texts covering every possible aspect of the knowledge of the rhinoceros. There are no restrictions of language, time period, locality or type of publication including reports and grey literature. Contributions and suggestions are welcome.

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Main references to the fossil rhino sites database in Excel format; more info here

Newest References:
Stronge, S., 2025. Three albums of Seigneur Gentil and Colonel Polier: cultural exchanges in late eighteenth-century India. In: Weis, F., Eighteenth-Century Indian Muraqqa's. Leiden, Brill, pp. 117-142 -
Wild Life Preservation Society of India et al., 1962. India's National Parks and Sanctuaries - all about Kaziranga. Cheetal 5 (1) October: 34-40, 1 map, 2 figs.
Stracey, P.D., 1962. Obituary - R.C. Das . Cheetal 4 (2) April: 70, 1 figure
Spillett, J.J., 1967. Concerning the Great Indian One-Horned Rhinoceros. Cheetal 10 (1) October: 14-18
Gee, E.P., 1966. Concerning the Introduction or Re-introduction of the Indian rhinoceros into other parts of India. Cheetal 9 (1) October: 6-8, 2 figs.
Bey, H., 1967. A profile of Kaziranga. Cheetal 10 (1) October: 19-22
Chaturvedi, M.D., 1968. The vanishing Rhino of India. Cheetal 11 (1) November: 11-15, 96, 5 figs.
Kernan, M. et al., 1996. Around the mall and beyond - an adorable baby rhinoceros named Chitwan. Smithsonian 27 (9) December: 22-23, 3 figs.
Giannini, F. et al., 2019. Il Rinoceronte di Albrecht Dürer. Origine e fortuna del pachiderma più famoso della storia dell'arte [The Albrecht Dürer's Rhinoceros. The origin and fortune of the most famous pachyderm in the history of art] [in Italian]. Finestre sull'Arte. Arte antica e contemporanea (text and figures adapted from an online publication) 2019 October 17: 17 pp., 24 figs
Wey, F., 1872. Rome: description et souvenirs. Paris, Librairie Hachette et Cie
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