Search results for References by cinkova
Cinkova, I.; Shrader, A.M., 2022. Individuality, species-specific features, and female discrimination of male southern white rhinoceros courtship calls. Animal Cognition 2022: 1-14 -


Cinkova, I.; Policht, R., 2016. Sex and species recognition by wild male southern white rhinoceros using contact pant calls. Animal Cognition 19 (2): 375-386 - doi:10.​1007/​s10071-015-0940-7


Cinkova, I.; Ganslosser, U.; Kretzschmar, P., 2016. Effect of supplementary feeding on the social behaviour and distribution patterns of free-ranging southern white rhinoceros. Mammalia 81 (5): 433-444


Cinkova, I.; Shrader, A.M., 2016. Rival assessment by territorial southern white rhinoceros males via eavesdropping on the contact and courtship calls. Animal Behaviour 166: 19–31.


Cinkova, I., 2015. Behavioural study of the captive and free-ranging southern and northern white rhinos with focus on their vocal communication [in Czech]. Thesis presented to Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci: pp. 1-112


Cinkova, I., 2015. Sociální chování a komunikace nosorožc tuponosých a nosorožc Cottonových. Ziva 2015 (3): 133-136


Cinkova, I.; Policht, R., 2014. Contact calls of the Northern and Southern White Rhinoceros allow for individual and species identification. PLoS ONE 9 (6) e98475: 1-12


Cinkova, I.; Policht, R., 2014. Discrimination of familiarity and sex from chemical cues in the dung by wild southern white rhinoceros. Animal Cognition 18 (1): 385-392


Cinkova, I.; Bicik, V., 2013. Social and reproductive behaviour of critically endangered northern white rhinoceros in a zoological garden. Mammalian Biology 78 (1): 50-54


Cinkova, I.; Policht, R., 2013. Identity, species and sex-specific information is contained in the contact calls of northern and southern white rhinoceros. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin 2013, p.46


Cinkova, I.; Policht, R., 2013. Wild southern white rhinos (Ceratotherium simum) are able to recognise information about familiarity and sex in the dung of their conspecifics. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin 2013, p.47


Cinkova, I., 2013. Contact calls of the Northern and Southern white rhinoceros: Source of information on individual identity and species of the caller?. Proceedings of the 2013 International Elephant and Rhino Conservation and Research Symposium, Pittsburgh 2013: 960-961


Cinkova, I., 2013. Social and reproductive behavior of critically endangered Northern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium cottoni) in a zoological garden. Proceedings of the 2013 International Elephant and Rhino Conservation and Research Symposium, Pittsburgh 2013: 1203-1215


Cinkova, I., 2013. Vocal and olfactory communication of the white rhinoceros. Progress report no. 2: pp. 1-12


Cinkova, I.; Kretzschmar, P., 2010. Social behaviour of southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) in fenced reserves in South Africa. EEP Research Committee Newsletter 12: 48


Cinkova, I.; Ganslosser, U.; Kretzschmar, P., 2009. Social behaviour of southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) in game reserves in South Africa. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin: p. 47


Cinkova, I.., 2008. Investigation on the social, reproductive and playful behaviour of captive white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum cottoni). EEP Research Committee Newsletter 11: 123-124


Cinkova, I., 2006. Sexual, social and playful behavior of white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) in zoological garden. Bachelor Thesis. Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Science, Department of Zoology: pp. 1-59
