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Search results for References by schlegel, m.
Clauss, M.; Dierenfeld, E. ; Goff, J.; Klasing, K.; Koutsos, L.; Lavin, S.; Livingston, S.; Nielson, B.; Schlegel, M.; Sullivan, K.; Valdes, E. and Ward, A., 2012. IOD in rhinos—nutrition group report: report from the nutrition working group of the international workshop on iron overload disorder in browsing rhinoceros (February 2011). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 43 (3s): S108-S113


Mertes, K.; Schlegel, M.L.; Renjifo, A.; Valdes, E.V., 2005. A preliminary evaluation of a hand-rearing formula for southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) calves. In Graffam W, Hellinga D, Maslanka M, Ward A, Eds. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition, AZA Nutrition Advisory Group, Om, pp. 1-9


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