| Schenkel, R.; Schenkel, L., 1982. Situation of the Javan rhino in Ujung KUlon National Park: Assessment in March 1982 after the sudden death of five rhinos. Gland, IUCN-WWF Report submitted 2 April 1982: 1016
| Schenkel, R.; Schenkel, L., 1973. Project 839/840: Protection and management of the Udjung Kulon National Park for the Javan rhinoceros and other species. WWF Yearbook 1972-1973: 128-132
| Schenkel, R.; Schenkel, L., 1969. Report on a survey trip to Riau area and the Mt Leuser Reserve to check the situation of the Sumatran rhino and the Orang utan (21 August to 13 Septembr 1969). Report to WWF, pp. 1-7
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| Schenkel, R.; Schenkel, L., 1969. The Javan rhinoceros (Rh. sondaicus Desm.) in Udjung Kulon Nature Reserve: its ecology and behaviour: Field study 1967 and 1968. Acta Tropica 26 (2): 97-135, figs. 1-9, tables 1-9
| Schenkel, R.; Schenkel, L., 1969. The Javan rhinoceros (Rh. sondaicus Desm.) in Udjung Kulon Nature Reserve: its ecology and behaviour: Field study 1967 and 1968. Acta Tropica 26 (2): 97-135, figs. 1-9, tables 1-9