| Roche, C., 2001. Environmental review 2000 (Ngala, South Africa). CCA Ecological Journal 3: 12
| Roche, C., 2001. Preliminary findings of home range, diet and midden significance in a black rhino bull. CCA Ecological Journal 3: 29-33, figs. 1-3, table 1
| Roche, C., 2000. Notes on territory and home range size of white rhinoceros in the southern Timbavati. CCA Ecological Journal 2: 130-133
| Roche, C., 2000. Seasonal landscape preference of the white rhinoceros in the southern Timbavati. CCA Ecological Journal 2: 134-136
| Roche, C., 1999. Interesting mammal observations at Ngala. CCA Ecological Journal 1: 79