| Martin, E.B., 1983. Rhino exploitation: the trade in rhino products in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, Japan & South Korea. Hong Kong, WWF Hong Kong, pp. 1-122
 | Martin, E.B., 1982. Rhino trade study - Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia and Burma. WWF Yearbook 1982: 294-301, figs. 1-2
 | Martin, E.B., 1981. The conspicuous consumption of rhinos [Part 1]. Animal Kingdom 84 (1): 10-19, figs. 1-8
 | Martin, E.B., 1981. The conspicuous consumption of rhinos [Part 2]. Animal Kingdom 84 (2): 20-26, figs. 1-4
 | Martin, E.B., 1981. WWF/IUCN statement on the international trade in rhino products. WWF Yearbook 1980-1981: 317-320
 | Martin, E.B., 1980. The international trade in rhinoceros products. WWF Yearbook 1979-1980: 75-81, map 1
 | Martin, E.B., 1980. A symbol of sexual and magical power. Africana 7 (2): 13-14, 28-29, figs. 1-3
 | Martin, E.B., 1980. The international trade in rhinoceros products. Gland, IUCN/WWF, pp. 1-83, pls. 1-8, tables 1-14, graphs 1-6