| Vigne, L.; Martin, E.B., 2015. China faces a conservation challenge: the expanding elephant and mammoth ivory trade in Beijing and Shanghai. Nairobi, Save the Elephant and Port Lympne, Aspinall Foundation: pp. 1-92
 | Martin, E.B., 2015. What is the future of the Chinese ivory industry after China's latest moves?. Swara, Nairobi July-September 2015: 18-19
 | Martin, E.B., 2014. Trade routes in war & peace. In: Hillman Smith, K., Kalpers, L.A. & Orrega, N. (eds) Garamba: conservation in peace and war. Nairobi, Authors, pp. 319-328
 | Strien, N.J. van; Manullang, B.; Sectionov; Isnan, W.; Khan, M.K.M.; Sumardja, E.; Ellis, S,; Han, K.H.; Boeadi; Payne, J.; Martin, E.B., 2011. Dicerorhinus sumatrensis. In: IUCN 2011. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.1. <www.iucnredlist.org>
 | Martin, E.B.; Vigne, L., 2011. The ivory dynasty: A report on the soaring demand for elephant and mammoth ivory in southern China. London, Elephant Family, The Aspinall Foundation and Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, pp. 1-20
 | Martin, E.B., 2011. Photos from the collection of Esmond Martin. Pachyderm Special 50th issue (Pachyderm Past and Present): 20-21
 | Martin, E.B., 2010. From the jungle to Kathmandu: horn and tusk trade. Lalitpur, Wildlife Watch Group, pp. i-xi, 1-186
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 | Martin, E.B., 2010. From the jungle to Kathmandu: horn and tusk trade. Lalitpur, Wildlife Watch Group, pp. i-xi, 1-186
 | Martin, E.B., 2010. Effective law enforcement in Ghana reduces elephant poaching and illegal ivory trade. Pachyderm 48: 24-32
 | Martin, E.B., 2009. China's growing ivory demand kills more elephants. Swara 32 (3): 36-38, 3 figures
 | Martin, E.B., 2008. Focus more on intelligence gathering networks. Conservation Watch - Nepal 1 (7): 1-2
 | Martin, E.B., 2008. Review of L.C. Rookmaaker, Encounters with the African rhinoceros. Pachyderm 44: 102-103
 | Martin, E.B., 2006. Policies that work for rhino conservation in West Bengal. Pachyderm 41: 74-84, figs. 1-5, tables 1-4
 | Leader Williams, N.; Milledge, S.; Adcock, K.; Brooks, M.; Conway, A.; Knight, M.; Mainka, S.; Martin, E.B.; Teferi, T., 2005. Trophy hunting of black rhino Diceros bicornis: proposals to ensure its future sustainability. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy 8 (1): 1-11
 | Martin, E.B., 2004. The curse of the horn: poachers have taken advantage of civil unrest to target rhinos. BBC Wildlife v22 (5) May: 23, fig. 1
 | Martin, E.B., 2003. The illegal trade in rhino horn:Yemeni dagger handles. The Horn Newsletter 2003 Autumn: 10, figs. 1-3
 | Martin, E.B., 2001. What strategies are effective for Nepal's rhino conservation: a recent case study. Pachyderm 31: 42-51, photos 1-5, tables 1-7
 | Martin, E.B., 2000. Rhinoceros unicornis trade issues: pp. 175-176
| In: Strien, N.J. van et al. Report on the Regional Meeting for India and Nepal of IUCN/SSC Asian Rhino Specialist Group. Doorn, Asian Rhino Specialist Group: [not paginated] |
 | Martin, E.B., 1999. West Bengal - committed to rhino conservation yet a major entrepot for endangered wildlife products. Pachyderm 27: 105-112, fig. 1, photo 1-5, tables 1-2
 | Martin, E.B., 1999. Review of Rookmaaker, The rhinoceros in captivity. Bulletin of the East Africa Natural History Society 29 (1/2): 24-25
 | Martin, E.B., 1998. Nepal destroys large stocks of wildlife products. Pachyderm 25: 107-108, fig. 1