Search results for References by lindeque, m.
Reuter, H.O.; Lindeque, M., 1998. Rhino conservation in Namibia: a framework for private sector participation: pp. 215-302

 In: SADC SADC Regional programme for rhino conservation. Detailed country reviews: report, part 3: Annexes. No place, SADC: pp. 1-508


Lindeque, M.; Erb, K.P., 1995. Research on the effects of temporary horn removal on black rhinos in Namibia. Pachyderm 20: 27-30, table 1


Lindeque, M., 1994. Rhinoceros conservation in Namibia - a framework for private sector participation Contributors: KPErb, LGeldenhuys, IDGrobler, MLindeque, RLoutit, HRumpf, HJSchader, KAEVenzke. Windhoek, Namibia, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, pp. 1-64


Berger, J.; Cunningham, C.; Gawuseb, A.A.; Lindeque, M., 1993. 'Costs' and short-term survivorship of hornless black rhinos. Conservation Biology 7 (4): 920-924, figs. 1-2, table 1


Lindeque, M., 1990. The case for dehorning the black rhinoceros in Namibia. South African Journal of Science 86 (5/6): 226-227


Lindeque, M., 1988. Bewaringsplan vir renosters in SWA/Namibia. Report, pp. 1-45
