| Hitchins, P.M., 1992. An aerial census of black and square-lipped rhinoceros in northern Botswana, 18 September - 2 October 1992. Report to Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Botswana, pp. 1-19
| Hitchins, P.M., 1990. Census and marking systems for black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis with special reference to the Zululand game reserves. Game Ranger 1990 December: 1-12, figs. 1-12, tables 1-8
| Hitchins, P.M., 1989. Census and marking systems for black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis with special reference to the Zululand game reserves (abstract). Koedoe 32 (2): 84-85, tables 1-2
| Hitchins, P.M., 1986. Earlessness in the black rhinoceros - a warning. Pachyderm 7: 8-10, figs. 1-5, table 1
| Hitchins, P.M.; Brooks, P.M., 1986. Preliminary report on the population size and trend (1973-1985) of the black rhinoceros in the Hluhluwe and Umfolozi game reserves, 1985. Pietermaritzburg, Natal Parks, Game and Fish Preservation Board, pp. 1-11
| Hitchins, P.M., 1985. Black rhino project : Summary of results from 1st survey, Umfolozi Game Reserve. Report Umfolozi
| Hitchins, P.M., 1985. Black rhino project : Summary of results from 2nd survey, Umfolozi Game Reserve. Report Umfolozi
| Hitchins, P.M., 1985. Black rhino project : Summary of results from 3rd survey, Umfolozi Game Reserve. Report Umfolozi
| Hitchins, P.M., 1984. Translocation of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis minor) from the Natal game reserves 1962-1983. Lammergeyer 33: 45-48, tables 1-6
| Hitchins, P.M.; Anderson, J.L., 1983. Reproduction, population characteristics and management of the black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis minor in the Hluhluwe/ Corridor/ Umfolozi game reserve complex. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 13 (3): 78-85, figs. 1-3
| Hitchins, P.M., 1978. Age determination of the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis Linn.) in Zululand. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 8 (2): 71-80, figs. 1-7, table 1
| Hitchins, P.M., 1975. The black rhinoceros in South Africa. Endangered Wildlife 1 (2): 1-2, figs. 1-2, map 1
| Hitchins, P.M., 1971. Preliminary findings in a radio telemetric study on the black rhinoceros in Hluhluwe Game Reserve, Zululand. S57, Symposium on biotelemetry, Pretoria: 1-15, 95-100, figs. 1-10, tables 1-4
| Anderson, F.; Hitchins, P.M., 1971. A radio tracking system for the black rhinoceros. Journal of the South African Wildlife Management Association 1 (1): 26-35, figs. 1-11, tables 1-2
| Hitchins, P.M., 1970. Field criteria for ageing immature black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis L. Lammergeyer 12: 48-55, pls. 1-5, figs. 1-5, table 1
| Hitchins, P.M.; Keep, M.E., 1970. Observations on skin lesions of the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis Linn.) in the Hluhluwe Game Reserve, Zululand. Lammergeyer 12: 56-65, pls. 1-6, figs. 1-2, table 1
| Hitchins, P.M., 1969. Influence of vegetation types on sizes of home ranges of black rhinoceros in Hluhluwe Game Reserve, Zululand. Lammergeyer 10: 81-86, pls. 1-2, figs. 1-2, tables 1-2
| Hitchins, P.M., 1968. Some preliminary findings on the population structure and status of the black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis in the Hluhluwe Game Reserve, Zululand. Lammergeyer 9: 26-28, tables 1-4
| Hitchins, P.M., 1968. Liveweights of some mammals from Hluhluwe Game Reserve, Zululand. Lammergeyer 9: 42