| Emslie, R.H.; Milliken, T.; Talukdar, B.; Burgess, G.; Adcock, K.; Balfour, D.; Knight, M.H., 2019. African and Asian rhinoceroses - status, conservation and trade. A report from the IUCN Species Survical Commission (IUCN/SSC) African and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups and TRAFFIC to the CITES Secretariat pursuant to Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP17). Report to CITES 17th meeting (Colombo, June 2019), CoP 18 Doc.83.1 annex 3: 1-38
| Emslie, R.H.; Milliken, T.; Talukdar, B.; Ellis, S.; Adcock, K.; Knight, M.H., 2016. African and Asian rhinoceroses - status, conservation and trade. A report from the IUCN Species Survical Commission (IUCN/SSC) African and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups and TRAFFIC to the CITES Secretariat pursuant to Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP15). Report to CITES 16th meeting (Johannesburg, September-October 2016), CoP 17 Doc.68 annex 5: 1-21
| Emslie, R.H.; Knight, M.H., 2014. Update on African rhino status and trends: from IUCN SSC African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG). Report to CITES Standing Committee 65th meeting: pp. 1-6
| Emslie, R.H., 2013. African Rhinoceroses – Latest trends in rhino numbers and poaching. African indaba, e-newsletter 11 (2): 11-12
| Emslie, R.H., 2012. Ceratotherium simum. In: IUCN. 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <www.iucnredlist.org>, pp. 1-9
| Emslie, R.H.; Amin, R.; Kock, R., 2009. Guidelines for the in situ reintroduction and translocation of African and Asian rhinoceros. Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission no. 39: i-v, 1-115
| Milliken, T.; Emslie, R.H.; Talukdar, B., 2009. African and Asian rhinoceroses: A report from the IUCN Species Survical Commission (IUCN/SSC) African and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups and TRAFFIC to the CITES Secretariat pursuant to Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP14) and Decision 14.89. Report to CITES 15th meeting (Doha, March 2010), CoP 15 Doc.45.1A annex: 1-18
| Emslie, R.H., 2007. Rhinos, football and investment management. The Horn Newsletter 2007 Spring: 6-7, fig. 1
| Emslie, R.H.; Milledge, S.; Brooks, M.; Strien, N.J. van; Dublin, H.T., 2007. African and Asian rhinoceroses - status, conservation and trade: Annex 1, pp. 6-22
| In: CITES Secretariat Interpretation and implementation of the Convention - Species trade and conservation issues: Rhinoceroses. Report to CITES 14th meeting (The Hague, June 2007), CoP 14 Doc.54: 1-26 |
| Okita-Ouma, B.; Amin, R.; Adcock, K.; Emslie, R.H.; Kock, R., 2007. A positive turning point in black rhino conservation in Kenya: pp. 1-4, i-ii, 1-79
| In: Okita-Ouma, B. et al. Conservation and management strategy for the black rhino (Diceros bicornis michaeli) and management guidelines for the white rhino (Ceratotherium simum simum) in Kenya (2007-2011), third edition. Nairobi, KWS: pp. 1-70 |
| Du Toit, R.; Emslie, R.H., 2006. Maximizing incentives for rhino metapopulation management: pp. 17-28
| In: Du Toit, R. Guidelines for implementing SADC rhino conservation strategies. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. i-vii, 1-95 |
| Emslie, R.H.; Du Toit, R., 2006. Ensuring optimal biological management: pp. 29-48
| In: Du Toit, R. Guidelines for implementing SADC rhino conservation strategies. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. i-vii, 1-95 |
| Emslie, R.H., 2005. Managing a rhino project: pp. 104-106
| In: Fulconis, R. Save the rhinos: EAZA Rhino Campaign 2005/6 Info Pack. London, Save the Rhinos: pp. 1-164 |
| Emslie, R.H., 2005. The African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG). Proceedings of the EAZA Conference 2005 (Bristol): pp. 58-62
| Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2005. Report on hands-on training course in using wildlife investigator software. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-7
| Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2005. Law enforcement database, pp. 19-23
| In: SADC Proceedings of the meeting of SADC rhino range states, Idle Winds Lodge, South Africa, 14-15 March 2005. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-48 |
| Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2005. Update on CITES developments relevant to rhino conservation, p. 29
| In: SADC Proceedings of the meeting of SADC rhino range states, Idle Winds Lodge, South Africa, 14-15 March 2005. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-48 |
| Emslie, R.H., 2004. Black rhino hunting quotas approved for Namibia and South Africa at CITES Conference of the Parties 13. Pachyderm 37: 92-97
| Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2004. Rhino 2.0: Bayesian mark recapture population estimation report - single simulation run. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-11
| Emslie, R.H., 2003. Workshop proceedings on biological management of the black rhino now available online. Pachyderm 34: 94
| Emslie, R.H., 2003. AfRSG's training course in rhino monitoring revised and training courses for instructors held. Pachyderm 35: 154-157, figs. 1-4
| Emslie, R.H., 2003. Ngorongoro black rhino population dynamics: what does the data tell us?: pp. 7-8
| In: Mills, A. et al. Management of black rhino in the Ngorongoro Crater: A report on the workshop held at Serena Lodge, Ngorongoro, 3-4 September 2003. Nairobi, African Wildlife Foundation: pp. i-v, 1-21 |
| Adcock, K.; Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2003. Monitoring African rhino: an AfRSG update of "Sandwith's" training course for field ranger, 5th edition: trainee's guide. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-14
| Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2003. Sources of funding for rhino consrvation and the role of the AfRSG, pp. 16-17
| In: SADC Proceedings of the meeting of the SADC Rhino Recovery Group (SADC RRG), Maun, Botswana, 11 March 2003. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-34 |
| Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2003. Use of software tools for rhino conservation, p. 39
| In: SADC Proceedings of the meeting of the SADC rhino range states and consortium, Maun, Botswana, 12-13 March 2003. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-76 |
| Emslie, R.H., 2002. African rhino numbers continue to increase. Pachyderm 33: 103-107, tables 1-3
| Osofsky, S.A.; Paglia, D.E.; Radcliffe, R.W.; Miller, R. E.; Emslie, R.H.; Foose, T.J.; Du Toit, R.; Atkinson, M.W., 2001. First, do no harm: a precautionary recommendation regarding the movement of black rhinos from overseas zoos back to Africa. Pachyderm 30: 17-23
| Emslie, R.H., 2001. Detailed country reviews: South Africa, SANP, KZNW and other areas: pp. 36-46
| In: Brett, R. et al. SADC Regional programme for rhino conservation. Detailed country reviews: report. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-115 |
| Emslie, R.H., 2001. Detailed country reviews: Swaziland: pp. 78-83
| In: Brett, R. et al. SADC Regional programme for rhino conservation. Detailed country reviews: report. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-115 |
| Emslie, R.H., 2001. Detailed country reviews: Tanzania: pp. 98-105
| In: Brett, R. et al. SADC Regional programme for rhino conservation. Detailed country reviews: report. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-115 |
| Emslie, R.H., 2000. African rhinos numbering 13,000 for first time since the mid-1980s. Pachyderm 29: 53-56, tables 1-2
| Emslie, R.H., 2000. Sandwith's rhino identification training course for field rangers revised by the Africa Rhino Specialist Group. Pachyderm 29: 57
| Emslie, R.H., 2000. Record rhino prices fetched at 2000 Hluhluwe game auction. Pachyderm 29: 58
| Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2000. Review of the status and conservation biology of African rhino, pp. 18-19
| In: Du Toit, R. et al. Proceedings of the SADC Stakeholders planning workshop, Johannesburg, 6-7 March 2000. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-40 |
| Emslie, R.H., 1999. Feeding ecology of the black rhinoceros in Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park. Stellenbosch, University of Stellenbosch, Ph.D. Thesis, pp. 1-565, appendices
| Emslie, R.H., 1999. Feeding ecology of the black rhinoceros in Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park. Stellenbosch, University of Stellenbosch, Ph.D. Thesis, pp. 1-565, appendices
| Emslie, R.H., 1999. Red Data Book: The black rhinoceros - Diceros bicornis. Endangered Wildlife 31: 29-30, fig. 1
| Emslie, R.H., 1999. Strategic white rhino conservation in the private sector: pp. 23-36
| In: Anonymous Proceedings of a workshop on conservation of African rhinos on private land through utilization, Onderstepoort, South Africa, 8 & 9 October 1999. Johannesburg, African Rhino Owners Association: pp. 1-52 |
| Emslie, R.H.; Brooks, M., 1999. African rhino: status survey and conservation action plan. Gland and Cambridge, IUCN/ SSC African Rhino Specialist Group, pp. i-x, 1-92
| Emslie, R.H., 1998. African rhinos increase to 11 000 in the wild. REF Journal 12: 4-7, table 1
| Emslie, R.H., 1997. Die IUCN-SSC African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG): pp. 224-228
| In: Anonymous Die Nashoerner: Begegnung mit urzeitliche Kolossen. Fuert, Filander Verlag: pp. 1-258 |
| Emslie, R.H.; Adcock, K., 1997. Bestandszahlen des Spitzmaul-Nashorns und deren Entwicklung: pp. 152-162, fig.1, table 1
| In: Anonymous Die Nashoerner: Begegnung mit urzeitliche Kolossen. Fuert, Filander Verlag: pp. 1-258 |
| Emslie, R.H.; Adcock, K., 1997. Der Handel mit Nashornprodukten, speziell in Bezug auf die Afrikanischen Nashorner: pp. 204-218
| In: Anonymous Die Nashoerner: Begegnung mit urzeitliche Kolossen. Fuert, Filander Verlag: pp. 1-258 |
| Leader Williams, N.; Brett, R.A.; Brooks, M.; Craig, I.; Du Toit, R.; Emslie, R.H.; Knight, M.H.; Stanley Price, M.R.; Stockill, C., 1997. A scheme for differentiating and defining the different situations under which live rhinos are conserved. Pachyderm 23: 24-28, fig. 1, table 1