Search results for References by dutta, d.
Dutta, D.K., 2024. Letter to the Editor: Protect Pobitora at all cost. Assam Tribune 27 May 2024


Dutta, D.K., 2024. Sighting the rhino: the legacy and future of rhino conservation in Assam. Assam Tribune 22 September 2024


Dutta, D.K., 2023. Behaviour and habitat preferences of translocated rhinos (Rhinoceros unicornis) at Manas National Park, Assam, India. Pachyderm 64: 92-106


Dutta, D.K., 2023. Charting a sustainable future for the Greater One-horned Rhinoceros: “The imperative of integrated monitoring”. Biolink (Aaranyak) 3 (2): 5-6


Dutta, D.K., 2022. A tragic tale: reminiscences about a lost rhino family at Manas National Park. Assam Tribune (Sunday) 11 September 2022: 3


Dutta, D.K., 2022. Answering the call of the wild. The Sentinel (Assam) 6 November 2022: Melange p.8


Dutta, D.K., 2021. Rhino conservation. Assam Tribune 22 September 2021


Dutta, D.K.; Bora, P.J.; Sharma, R.; Sarmah, A.; Sharma, A.; Kumar, J.; Dekaraja, K.S.; Saikia, R.B.; Halliday, A., 2021. Greater one-horned rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis) behaviour during high floods at Kaziranga National Park and the Burhachapori Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam, India. Pachyderm 62: 63-73


Dutta, D.K., 2021. Pachyderm pal: Dr Kees Rookmaaker. Assam Tribune 7 November 2021


Dutta, D.K., 2020. 100 km behind a rhino, a unique story of rhino stray for 15 days and capture thereafter. Research the wild Newsletter October 2020: 1-13


Dutta, D.K., 2020. The lost rhino family at Manas: How we lost hundreds of hours of physical, mental effort, and natural courage. Research the wild Newsletter November 2020: 1-11


Sharma, A.; Dutta, D.; Kakati, P.; Mondol, S., 2020. Monitoring standards for the Greater One-Horned Rhinoceros population in India. Technical Report to WWF (Assam), pp. 1-6


Dutta, D.K.; Kakati, P., 2019. Greater one-horned rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis (Mammalia: Perissodactyla: Rhinocerotidae) population census in the Rajiv Gandhi Orang National Park. Journal of Threatened Taxa 11 (9): 14187-14193


Dutta, D.K., 2019. Rhino conservation. Assam Tribune (Guwahati) 22 September 2019: 2


Dutta, D.K., 2018. Manas milestone: recording the translocation of rhinos. Assam Tribune (Guwahati) 22 April 2018: 21


Dutta, D.K., 2018. Studies on greater one horned rhinoceros behaviour and ecology, with special references to wild to wild translocated rhinoceros: a review. Indian Forester 144 (10): 922-928


Dutta, D.K., 2018. A study on behaviour and habitat preferences of translocated Rhinos Rhinoceros unicornis. Thesis presented to Gauhati University, Assam, India, pp. 1-308


Dutta, D.K., 2018. A study on behaviour and habitat preferences of translocated Rhinos Rhinoceros unicornis. Thesis presented to Gauhati University, Assam, India, pp. 1-308


Rookmaaker, L.C.; Sharma, A.; Bose, J.; Thapa, K.; Dutta, D.; Jeffries, B.; Williams, A.C.; Ghose, D.; Gupta, M.; Tornikoski, S., 2017. The Greater One-Horned Rhino: past, present and future. Gland, Switzerland, WWF, pp. 1-36


Sharma, A.; Sarmah, B.; Dutta, D.K.; Gupta, A.; Kakati, N., 2017. Awareness program – is it effective for conservation : a case study from Manas National Park June 2012. Guwahati, WWF Technical Report, pp. 1-23


Dutta, D.K.; Sharma, A.; Mahanta, R.; Swargowari, A., 2017. Behavior of post released translocated greater one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) at Manas National Park, Assam, India . Pachyderm 58: 58-66


Dutta, D.K.; Bora, P.J.; Mahanta, R.; Sharma, A.; Swargowari, A. , 2016. Seasonal variations in food plant preferences of reintroduced Rhinos Rhinoceros unicornis (Mammalia: Perrissodactyla: Rhinocerotidae) in Manas National Park, Assam, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 8 (13): 9525–9536


Dutta, D.K.; Mahanta, R., 2015. A study on the behavior and colonization of translocated Greater One-horned Rhinos Rhinoceros unicornis (Mammalia: Perissodactyla: Rhinocerotidae) during 90 days from their release at Manas National Park, Assam India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 7 (2): 6864-6877


Dutta, D.K.; Sharma, A.; Sarma, H.K.; Das, J.; Kaushik, N., 2015. SMART patrol in Manas National Park: a status report. Guwahati, WWF India: pp. 1-17


Dutta, D.K.; Sharma, A.; Swargowari, A., 2013. India: following the tiny steps, is this good news?. The Horn Spring 2013: 25-26


Dutta, D.K.; Sharma, A.; Swargowari, A.; Bhobora, C.R.; Bonal, B.S.; Ghose, D.; Williams, A.C., 2012. How many locations do we need per day to reliably describe the habitat use of translocated rhinos in Manas NP?. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2 (3): 47-53


Dutta, D.K.; Sharma, A., 2012. India: community spirit. The Horn Spring 2012: 27


Sharma, A.; Dutta, D.K.; Swargowari, A.; Singh, S.P., 2012. The released rhinos in Manas National Park - the fourth year (April 2011 - March 2012). Report of IRV2020, pp. 1-25


Sharma, A.; Dutta, D.; Swargowary, A., 2012. Elusive beauties of Manas National Park: the swamp deer. Tiger Paper 39 (2): 21-25


Singh, S.P.; Sharma, A.; Dutta, D.K.; Swargowari, A.; Bhobora, C.R.; Singh, D.M., 2011. An account of the released rhinos in Manas National Park - the third year (April 2010-March 2011). Report of IRV2020, Translocation Core Committee: pp. 1-22


Dutta, D.K., 2011. India: progress in Manas National Park. The Horn Autumn 2011: 26


Singh, D.M.; Sharma, A.; Dutta, D.K.; Swargowari, A.; Bhobora, C.R.; Bonal, B.S., 2010. The released rhinos in Manas National Park, Assam - the second year (April 2009 - March 2010). Report to WWF India (Indian Rhino Vision 2020): pp. 1-15


Bonal, B.S.; Sharma, A.; Dutta, D.K.; Swargowari, A.; Bhobora, C.R., 2009. An account of the released rhinos in Manas National Park, Assam (October 2008 - March 2009). Report to WWF India (Indian Rhino Vision 2020): pp. 1-8


Bonal, B.S.; Sharma, A.; Dutta, D.K.; Swargowari, A.; Bhobora, C.R., 2008. An account of the released rhinos in Manas National Park, Assam (April - September 2008). Report to WWF India (Indian Rhino Vision 2020): pp. 1-13
