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Search results for References by anderson, a.a.
Hammond, E. E.; Anderson, C.E.; Mikolajczak, M.R.; Kirschner, S.M.; Johnson, G.L.; Garner, M.M., 2015. Rhinoplasty: management of a fibromyxosarcoma in the horn of a southern White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians 2015: 122-123


Kotze, A.; Dalton, D.L.; du Toit, R.; Anderson, N.; Moodley, Y., 2014. Genetic structure of the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in south-eastern Africa. Conservations Genetics 15: 1479-1489


Anderson, B.; Jooste, J., 2014. Wildlife poaching: Africa’s surging trafficking threat. Africa Security Brief 28: 1-9


Du Toit, R.; Anderson, N., 2013. Dehorning rhinos. Wildlife Ranching 2013 Autumn: 82-85


Anderson, N.., 2013. Zimbabwe: who are you calling antisocial. The Horn Autumn 2013: 20


Anderson, N., 2013. The significance of pre-existing social bonds in translocated black rhinos. Proceedings of the 2013 International Elephant and Rhino Conservation and Research Symposium, Pittsburgh 2013: 890-929


Anderson, T., 2012. Electrifying pachyderms. East Africa Aviation January 2012: 1-5


Anderson, C., 2012. Surveillance for anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) sympatric with the Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) population in Ujung Kulon National Park, Indonesia. Report to Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, pp. 1-2


Anderson, N., 2011. Zimbabwe: a permanent presence without a permanent base. The Horn Spring 2011: 11


Anderson, I., 2010. A rough road for rhinos. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) no. 8 (Winter 2010): 14-15


Anderson, Natasha, 2009. Zimbabwe: a tale of five orphans. The Horn Spring 2009: 16-17


Du Toit, R.; Anderson, N., 2007. Zimbabwe: dehorning rhinos in the Lowveld. The Horn Newsletter 2007 Autumn: 5, figs. 1-3


Hermes, R.; Hildebrandt, T.B.; Walzer, C.; Goeritz, F.; Patton, M.L.; Silinski, S.; Anderson, M.J.; Reid, C.E.; Wibbelt, G.; Tomasova, K.; Schwarzenberger, F., 2006. The effect of long non-reproductive periods on the genital health in captive female white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum simum, C.s.cottoni). Theriogenology 65: 1492-1515, figs. 1-6


Anderson, N.; SADC, 2004. Creating awareness of rhino conservation in rural primary schools in Zimbabwe: regional applicability in Swaziland. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-6


Anderson, N.; SADC, 2004. Community outreach in rhino conservation via awareness programme in rural secondary schools. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-15


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