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Search results for References by shrader, a.m.
Lange, C.J. De; Bonnet, O.; Shrader, A.M., 2024. Effect of rainfall on white rhino calf survival depends on home range choice of the mother. Journal of Mammalogy 105 (3): 502-511 -


Cinkova, I.; Shrader, A.M., 2022. Individuality, species-specific features, and female discrimination of male southern white rhinoceros courtship calls. Animal Cognition 2022: 1-14 -


Shrader, A.M., 2022. Counting the costs of White rhino poaching: we are likely underestimating the indirect and long-term impacts. Animal Conservation 25 (2): 166-167 - https://doi: 10.1111/acv.12781


Nhleko, Z.N.; Shrader, A.M.; Ferreira, S.M.; McCleery, R.A., 2022. White rhinos and other herbivores decrease visitations and increase vigilance in response to human vocalizations. Journal of Mammalogy 2022: 1-9 -


Marneweck, C.; Juergens, A.; Shrader, A.M., 2019. The first report of urine overmarking of pro-oestrus female dung by a male white rhino. African Zoology 54 (3): 175-179


Marneweck, C.; Juergens, A.; Shrader, A.M., 2019. Author correction: Temporal variation of white rhino dung odours. Journal of Chemical Ecology 45: 423-427


Marneweck, C.; Juergens, A.; Shrader, A.M., 2018. The role of middens in white rhino olfactory communication. Animal Behaviour 140: 7-18


Marneweck, C.; Juergens, A.; Shrader, A.M., 2018. Ritualised dung kicking by white rhino males amplifies olfactory signals but reduces odour duration. Journal of Chemical Ecology 44 (10): 875–885


Marneweck, C.; Juergens, A.; Shrader, A.M., 2017. Dung odours signal sex, age, territorial and oestrous state in white rhinos. Proceedings of the Royal Society - series B 284: 1-9


Marneweck, C.; Juergens, A.; Shrader, A.M., 2017. Temporal variation of white rhino dung odours. Journal of Chemical Ecology 43 (10): 955-965


Marneweck, C.; Juergens, A.; Shrader, A.M., 2016. White rhino olfactory communication and the potential for odor manipulation (abstract). In: Scientific program of the 15th International Elephant & Rhino conservation and research symposium, Singapore, November 14-18, 2016, p. 39


Cinkova, I.; Shrader, A.M., 2016. Rival assessment by territorial southern white rhinoceros males via eavesdropping on the contact and courtship calls. Animal Behaviour 166: 19–31.


Shrader, A.M.; Post, J.F.; Hagenah, N.; Bateman, P.W., 2013. Is a reduction in the individual vigilance of mothers a key evolutionary driver of group formation in white rhinos?. African Zoology 48 (1): 109-114


Shrader, A.M.; Owen-Smith, R.N.; Ogutu, J.O., 2006. How a mega-grazer copes with the dry season: food and nutrient intake rates by white rhinoceros in the wild. Functional Ecology 20: 376-384, figs. 1-7


Shrader, A.M.; Perrin, M.R., 2006. Influence of density on the seasonal utilization of broad grassland types by white rhinoceroses. African Zoology 41 (2): 312-315, fig.1


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