| Schreve, D.C., 2012. The vertebrate assemblage (w/ contributions by D.R. Brothwell & A.J. Stuart) (in Boismier W.A., Gamble C. & Coward F., eds: The archaeological assemblages of animals and lithics - Neanderthals Among Mammoths - Excavations at Lynford Quarry, Norfolk): English Heritage, pp. 157-191, references: pp. 506-524, numerous figs and tabs.
| Schreve, D.C.; Bridgland, D.R., 2002. Correlation of English and German Middle Pleistocene fluvial sequences based on mammalian biostratigraphy. Geologie en Mijnbouw (Netherlands Journal of Geosciences), Utrecht; 81 (3-4): 357-373, 5 figs, 2 tabs.