| Mecozzi, B.; Bellucci, L.; Fabio Bona, F.; Cicia, V.; Conti, J.; Iannucci, A.; Iurino, D.A.; Mazzini, I.; Pushkina, D.; Sanzi, R.; Strani, F. & Sardella, R., 2018. Preliminary analysis of the large mammal fauna from layers G to K of Grotta Romanelli, Apulia (Southern Italy). Confer. of the XVIII Ediz. delle Giornate di Paleontologia della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Trento, Giugno 2018: 2 pp.
 | Pushkina, D.; Bocherens, H.; Ziegler, R., 2014. Unexpected palaeoecological features of the Middle and Late Pleistocene large herbivores in southwestern Germany revealed by stable isotopic abundances in tooth enamel. Quaternary International 339-340: 164-178
 | Pushkina, D.; Raia, P., 2008. Human influence on distribution and extinctions of the Late Pleistocene Eurasian megafauna. Journal of Human Evolution 54: 1-14, 2 figs, 10 tabs.
 | Pushkina, D., 2007. The Pleistocene easternmost distribution in Eurasia of the species associated with the Eemian Palaeoloxodon antiquus assemblage. Mammal Review 37 (3): 224-233+239-245, figs. 1, 2, 3, 1 tab.
 | Pushkina, D., 2007. Eurasian Large Mammal Dynamics in Response to Changing Environments during the Late Neogene. Acad. dissertation to be presented, with the permission of the Faculty of Science of the Univ. of Helsinki, for public criticism in Auditorium Arppeanum, Snellmaninkatu 3, on Nov. 29th, 2007. PhD thesis No. 201, Public. of the Dpt of Geology D14, Univ. of Helsinki, Yliopistopaino, Helsinki: 29 pp., 2 figs + appendices
 | Pushkina, D., 2006. Dynamics of the mammalian fauna in Southern Siberia during the Late Palaeolithic. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, Beijing; 44 (3): 262-273, 5 figs
 | Fortelius, M.; Eronen, J.; Jernvall, J.; Liu, Liping; Pushkina, D.; Rinne, J.; Tesakov, A.; Vislobokova, I.; Zhang, Zhaoqun; Zhou, Liping, 2002. Fossil mammals resolve regional patterns of Eurasian climate change over 20 million years. Evolutionary Ecology Research 4: 1005-1016, 3 figs.