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Search results for References by patton, f.j.
Patton, F.J., 2024. Has horn length in an Eastern black rhino population (Diceros bicornis michaeli) decreased over time?. Pachyderm 65: 188-189


Patton, F.J.; Campbell, P.E.; Genade, A., 2023. White rhino ecology, a comparison of two rhino populations (Ceratotherium simum simum) in South Africa and Uganda. Pachyderm 64: 144-148


Patton, F.J.; Campbell, P.E.; Genade, A., 2023. Observations on the first inter calving interval for six, particularly early breeding white rhinos at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Uganda. Pachyderm 64: 149-151


Patton, F.J.; Campbell, P.E.; Genade, A., 2022. Aspects of white rhino movement over a 12-month period based on hourly GPS location data. Pachyderm 63: 207-214


Patton, F.J.; Campbell, P.E.; Genade, A., 2020. The Battle for breeding rights - male behaviour at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Uganda. Pachyderm 61: 194-196


Patton, F.J.; Campbell, E.; Genade, A., 2019. Observations on the copulations of white rhinos at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Uganda. Pachyderm 60: 133-136


Patton, F.J.; Campbell, P.E., 2011. Using eye and profile wrinkles to identify individual white rhinos. Pachyderm 50: 84-86


Patton, F.J.; Campbell, P.E.; Genade, A.; Ayiko, R.; Lutalo, G., 2011. The behaviour of white rhinos at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Uganda with particular reference to night-time activity. Pachyderm 50: 77-83


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