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Search results for References by mihok, s.
Gakuya, F.; Kock, R.; Lekolool, I.; Mihok, S., 2024. Trypanosomiasis in introduced Southern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) gifts to ex situ habitat in Aitong, Kenya. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 60 (4): 886-902 -


Kock, R.; Mihok, S.; Gakuya, F., 2023. Southern white Rhino gifts to Aitong, Kenya - fly in the ointment?. Proceedings of 1st Wildlife Scientific Conference (Naivasha, Kenya), p. 68


Kock, R.A.; Mihok, S.R.O.; Wambua, J.; Mwanzia, J.; Saigawa, K., 1999. Effects of translocation on hematologic parameters of free-ranging black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis michaeli) in Kenya. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine 30 (3): 389-396, tables 1-2


Mihok, S.; Moloo, S.K.; Oden'y, J.O.; Brett, R.A.; Rakwar, J.G.; Munyoki, E.; Kiilu, J.; Kyorku, C.A., 1996. Attractiveness of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) to tsetse flies (Glossina spp.) (Diptera: Glossinidae) and other biting flies. Bulletin of Entomological Research 86: 33-41, fig. 1, tables 1-4


Mihok, S.; Kock, R.; Masake, R., 1995. Health implications of translocations of endangered species in Africa: trypanosomiasis in rhinoceros. Proceedings of the AAZV, AAWV, WDA Joint Conference 1995 : 372-373


Mihok, S.; Zweygart, E.; Munyoki, E.N.; Wambua, J.; Kock, R., 1994. Trypanosoma simiae in the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) and the dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius). Veteterinary Parasitology 53: 191-196


Mihok, S.; Munyoki, E.; Brett, R.A.; Jonyo, J.F.; Roettcher, D.; Majiwa, P.A.O.; Kangethe, E.K.; Kaburia, H.F.A.; Zweygarth, E., 1992. Trypanosomiasis and the conservation of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) at the Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary, Tsavo West National Park, Kenya. African Journal of Ecology 30: 103-115, figs. 1-5, table 1


Mihok, S.; Olubayo, R.O.; Moloo, S.K., 1992. Trypanosomiasis in the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis Linnaeus, 1758). Revue Scientifique et Technique de l'Office International des Epizooties 11 (4): 1169-1173


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