| Aubery, L.; Kennedy, J.; Gaffney, M.; Patton, L.; Slobig, C.; Mehrdadfar, F.; Rhino Keeper Workshop, 2002. Proceedings of the [second] Rhino Keepers' Workshop 2001, Zoological Society of San Diego May 7-10, 2001. San Diego, Zoological Society
 | Mehrdadfar, F., 2002. The Save the Rhino Trust (SRT) Field notes/Introduction. Animal Keeper's Forum 29 (3): 133-137, 4 plates, 1 map
 | Mehrdadfar, F.; Barthel, T.; Blue, D.; Corcoran, M.; Corey, L.; Flinkman, D.; Gerstin, J.; Grant, J.; Leonard, I.; Sawyer, V.; Rhino Keeper Workshop; Yang, A., 1999. Proceedings of the First Rhino Keepers' workshop 1999, sponsored by Disney's Animal Kingdom. [No place], Rhino Keepers Workshop
 | Mehrdadfar, F., 1999. Behavioral activity budget of Black rhino (Diceros bicornis bicornis) at a watering place: Field notes. Animal Keeper's Forum 26 (9): 358-368, 5 figures, 2 tables
 | Mehrdadfar, F., 1998. Detecting estrus in captive Black rhino (Diceros bicornis): An example (preliminary results). Animal Keeper's Forum 25 (1): 17-25, 2 figures, 4 tables
 | Mehrdadfar, F., 1995. The importance of training in facilitating care and treatment of exotic animals: An example (Black rhinoceros). Animal Keeper's Forum 22 (2): 75-77