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Search results for References by louys, j.
Albers, P.C.H.; Louys, J.; Geer, A.A.E. van der, 2024. Eugène Dubois’ work in Sumatra. In: Quaternary Palaeontology and Archaeology of Sumatra. Terra Australis 56, pp. 15-59 -

Louys, J.; Price, G.J.; Higgins, P.; Vos, J. de; Zaim, J.; Rizal, Y.; Aswan; Puspaningrum, M.R.; Hascaryo, A.T.; Drawhorn, G.M.; Albers, P.C.H., 2024. Geochronology and palaeoenvironments of Sibrambang and Djambu caves, western Sumatra. In: Louys, J., Albers, P.C.H., Geer, A.A.E. van der (eds), Quaternary Palaeontology and Archaeology of Sumatra. Canberra, ANU, pp. 99-119


Smith, H.E. ; Price, G.J.; Duval, M.; Westaway, K.; Zaim, J.; Rizal, Y.; Aswan; Puspaningrum, M.R.; Trihascaryo, A.; Stewart, M.; Louys, J., 2021. Taxonomy, taphonomy and chronology of the Pleistocene faunal assemblage at Ngalau Gupin cave, Sumatra. Quaternary International 2021: 24 pp., 14 figs []


Smith, H.E. ; Price, G.J.; Duval, M.; Westaway, K.; Zaim, J.; Rizal, Y.; Aswan; Puspaningrum, M.R.; Trihascaryo, A.; Stewart, M.; Louys, J., 2021. Taxonomy, taphonomy and chronology of the Pleistocene faunal assemblage at Ngalau Gupin cave, Sumatra. Quaternary International 2021: 24 pp., 14 figs []


Louys, J.; Roberts, P., 2020. Environmental drivers of megafauna and hominin extinction in Southeast Asia. Nature 586: 402-406


Hashemi, N.; Ashouri, A.; Aliabadian, M.; Gharaie, M.H.M.; Sánchez Marco, A.; Louys, J., 2016. First report of Quaternary mammals from the Qalehjough area, Lut Desert, Eastern Iran. Palaeontologia Electronica 19.3.44A: 1-12,


Hashemi, N.; Ashouri, A.; Aliabadian, M.; Gharaie, M.H.M.; Sánchez Marco, A.; Louys, J., 2016. First report of Quaternary mammals from the Qalehjough area, Lut Desert, Eastern Iran. Palaeontologia Electronica 19.3.44A: 1-12


Louys, J., 2012. The future of mammals in South-East Asia: Conservation insights from the fossil record. In: Louys, J. (ed), Paleontology in Ecology and Conservation. Springer Earth System Sciences, pp. 227-238


Louys, J.; Curnoe, D.; Tong, Haowen, 2007. Characteristics of Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions in Southeast Asia. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology 243: 152-173


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