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Search results for References by ilyina, s.a.
Shpansky, A.V.; Ilyina, S.A., 2020. The taxonomic position of the two-horned rhinoceros from Podpusk-Lebyazhye faunal complex of Western Siberia. Geosphere Research 2: 32-43 - DOI: 10.17223/25421379/15/3


Shpansky, A.V.; Ilyina, S.A.; Aliyasova, V.N., 2017. New finds of Elasmotherium remains in the south of the West Siberian Plain. Science and Education 4 (Oct): 60-64, 3 figures


Shpansky, A.V.; Ilyina, S.A.; Aliyasova, V.N., 2016. The Quaternary mammals from Kozhamzhar locality (Pavlodar Region, Kazakhstan). American Journal of Applied Sciences 13 (2): 189-199, 7 figs, 4 tabs, doi:10.3844/ajassp.2016.189.199


Shpansky, A.V.; Ilyina, S.A.; Aliyasova, V.N., 2015. Chetvertichnye Mlekupitayushchie iz mestonakhozhdenya Kozhamzhar (Pavlodarskaya oblast’, Kazakhstan) [The Quaternary mammals from Kozhamzhar locality (Pavlodar Region, Kazakhstan)]. Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Tomsk; 399: 254-264, 5figs, 3 tabs [doi:10.17223/15617793/399/41]


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