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Search results for References by hofmeyr, m.
Macha, E.S.; Meyer, L.C.R.; Leiberich, M.; Hofmeyr, M.; Hooijberg, E.H., 2024. Promoting rhinoceros welfare during transit: veterinarians' perspectives on transportation practices. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 95: 185-192 -


Kuiper, T.; Haussmann, S.; Whitfield, S.; Altwegg, R.; Ferreira, S.; Shaw, J.; Polakow, D.; Hofmeyr, M.; Pierce, E.; Nowak, I.; Rowles, C., Zowitsky, H., Olivier, I., Boyd, W., Bird, J., Worth, E., van Tonder, M., Bourn, M., Greef, Z., Hartman, Z. , 2023. Evaluating the cost and effectiveness of rhino conservation interventions in the Greater Kruger. A Greater Kruger Environmental Protection Foundation Report, pp. 1-17


Sickmueller, A.; Rusch, U.; Flamand, J.; Bertschinger, H.; Hooijberg, E.; Meyer, L.; Burger, K.; Hofmeyr, M.; Cooper, D.; Painer-Gigler, J.; Pohlin, F., 2022. Investigating consequences of translocation-stress in pregnant black (Diceros bicornis) and white (Ceratotherium simum) rhinoceroses. Zoos and Wildlife Health Conference (Emmen, The Netherlands) 2022, 47 (abstract)


Leiberich, M.; Pohlin, F.; Hooijberg, E.H.; Hofmeyr, M.; Cooper, D.; Reuben, M.; Meyer, L.C.R., 2022. The effects of feeding and transport length on the welfare of White rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum simum) during long-distance translocations: a preliminary study. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 93 (2) June 16 (on-line): 1-8, 1 table,


Pohlin, F.; Hofmeyr, M.; Hooijberg, E.H.; Blackhurst, D.; Reuben, M.; Cooper, C.; Meyer, L.C.R., 2020. Challenges to animal welfare associated with capture and long road transport in boma-adapted black (Diceros bicornis) and semi-captive white (Ceratotherium simum simum) rhinoceroses. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 56 (2): 294-305 -


Fabregas, M.C.; Fosgate, G.T.; Ganswindt, A.; Bertschinger, H.J.; Hofmeyr, M.; Meyer, L.C.R., 2020. Rehabilitation method affects behavior, welfare, and adaptation potential for subsequent release of orphaned white rhinoceros. Acta Ethologica 23: 105-114 -


Le Roex, N.; Dreyer, C.; Viljoen, P.; Hofmeyr, M.; Ferreira, S.M., 2019. Seasonal space-use and resource limitation in free-ranging black rhino. Mammalian Biology 99: 81-87 -


Meyer, L.C.R.; Fuller, A.; Hofmeyr, M.; Buss, P.; Miller, M.; Haw, A., 2018. Use of butorphanol and diprenorphine to counter respiratory impairment in the immobilised white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum). Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 89(0), a1683: 1-8 -


Miller, M.A.; Buss, P.E.; Parsons, S.D.C.; Roos, E.; Chileshe, J.; Goosen, W.J.; Schalkwyk, L.van; Klerk-Lorist,; Hofmeyr, M.; Hausler, G.; Rossouw, L., Manamela, T., Mitchell, E.P., Warren, R., Helden, P.D. van, 2018. Conservation of white rhinoceroses threatened by bovine tuberculosis, South Africa, 2016-2017. Emerging Infectious Diseases 24 (12): 2373-2375


Boesch, J.M.; Gleed, R.D.; Buss, P.; Hofmeyr, M.; Tordiffe, A.; Zeiler, G.; Meyer, L., 2018. Effects of a supplemental etorphine dose on pulmonary artery pressure and cardiac output in immobilized, boma-habituated white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum): a preliminary study. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 49 (4): 849-855


De Lange, S.S.; Fuller, A.; Haw, A.; Hofmeyr, M.; Buss, P.; Miller, M.; Meyer, L.C.R., 2017. Tremors in white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) during etorphine-azaperone immobilisation. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 88: 1-11


Michel, A.L.; Lane, E.P.; Klerk-Lorist,; Hofmeyr, M.; Heijden, E.M.D.L. van der; Botha, L.; Helden, P.van; Miller, M.; Buss, P., 2017. Experimental Mycobacterium bovis infection in three white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum): Susceptibility, clinical and anatomical pathology. PLoS ONE 12(7): e0179943.


Ferreira, S.M.; Bissett, C.; Cowell, C.R.; Gaylard, A.; Greaver, C.; Hayes, J.; Hofmeyr, M.; Moolman-van der Vyver, L.; Zimmermann, D., 2017. The status of rhinoceroses in South African National Parks. Koedoe 59 (1): 1-11, a1392.


Haw, A.; Hofmeyr, M.; Fuller, A.; Buss, P.; Miller, M.; Fleming, G.; Meyer, L., 2015. Butorphanol with oxygen insufflation improves cardiorespiratory function in field-immobilised white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum). Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 86 (1): Art. #1276, 10 pages.


Meyer, L.; Bengis, R.; Fowlds, W.; Goddard, A.; Hofmeyr, M.; Marais, J.; O'Dell, J.; Steenkamp, G.; Tordiffe, A.; Kock, M., 2015. Treatment of rhinoceros which have been poached using opioids and are found recumbent. Johannesburg, pp. 1-14


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