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Search results for References by ganslosser, u.
Kretzschmar, P.; Auld, H.; Boag, P.; Ganslosser, U.; Scott, C.; Coeverden de Groot, P.J. van; Courtiol. A., 2019. Mate choice, reproductive success and inbreeding in white rhinoceros: new insights for conservation management. Evolutionary Applications 2019: 1-16 - DOI: 10.1111/eva.12894


Cinkova, I.; Ganslosser, U.; Kretzschmar, P., 2016. Effect of supplementary feeding on the social behaviour and distribution patterns of free-ranging southern white rhinoceros. Mammalia 81 (5): 433-444


Rodewald, A.; Ganslosser, U.; Koelpin, T., 2014. Influence of fireworks on zoo Animals: studying different species at the Zoopark Erfurt during the classic nights. International Zoo News 61 (4): 264-271


Cinkova, I.; Ganslosser, U.; Kretzschmar, P., 2009. Social behaviour of southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) in game reserves in South Africa. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin: p. 47


Kluge, D.; Kretzschmar, P.; Ganslosser, U., 2009. Olfactory communication in southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) - observations and trials on free ranging rhinos at the Game Breeding Centre in Lichtenburg, South Africa. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin: p. 112


Ganslosser, U.; Kretzschmar, P.; Versteege, L., 2009. From EEP to high-end research and back: the example of the southern white rhino. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin: p. 78


Kretzschmar, P.; Ganslosser, U.; Dehnhard, M., 2004. Relationship between androgens, environmental factors and reproductive behavior in male white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). Hormones and Behavior 45: 1-9, fig.s 1-5, tab. 1


Kiefer, B.; Ganslosser, U.; Kretzschmar, P.; Kienzle, E., 2002. Food selection and food quality in territorial males of a free-ranging population of white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) in South Africa: pp. 1-20

 In: Fidgett, A. European Zoo Nutrition II. Furth, Filander Verlag


Kiefer, B.; Wichert, B.; Ganslosser, U.; Kretzschmar, P.; Kienzle, E., 2002. Digestibility trials in the zoo compared to field studies of white rhinoceros: pp. 190-195, fig. 1, tables 1-4

 In: Schwammer, H.M. et al. A research update on elephants and rhinos: proceedings of the International Elephant and Rhino Research Symposium, Vienna, June 7-11, 2001. Muenster, Schuling: pp. 1-352


Kretzschmar, P.; Ganslosser, U.; Goldschmid, A.; Aberham, A., 2002. Stimulation of territorial and mating behaviour by faecal samples: a comparative study on behaviour of captive and free-living white rhinoceros: pp. 299-302, figs. 1-4

 In: Schwammer, H.M. et al. A research update on elephants and rhinos: proceedings of the International Elephant and Rhino Research Symposium, Vienna, June 7-11, 2001. Muenster, Schuling: pp. 1-352


Clauss, M.; Froeschle, T.; Lechner-Doll, M.; Hatt, J.M.; Ganslosser, U.; Dierenfeld, E.S., 2002. Feeding tannins to captive black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis): Results of a pilot study: p. 310

 In: Schwammer, H.M. et al. A research update on elephants and rhinos: proceedings of the International Elephant and Rhino Research Symposium, Vienna, June 7-11, 2001. Muenster, Schuling: pp. 1-352


Kolar, D.; Kretzschmar, P.; Ganslosser, U., 2002. Do urinary scent marks influence behaviour of male and female white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum)?: 46

 In: Dehnhard, M. et al. 4th International Symposium on physiology and ethology of wild and zoo animals. Berlin, Blackwell


Kretzschmar, P.; Dehnhard, M.; Ganslosser, U.; Kellner, K.; Lechner-Doll, M., 2002. Ecological and endocrinological investigations of female mate choice in free-ranging white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum): 48

 In: Dehnhard, M. et al. 4th International Symposium on physiology and ethology of wild and zoo animals. Berlin, Blackwell


Aberham, A.; Goldschmid, A.; Ganslosser, U.; Kretzschmar, P., 2001. Stimulation of territorial and mating behavior by fecal samples a comparative study on behavior of captive and free-living white rhinoceros: p. 68

 In: Schwammer, H.M. et al. Recent research on elephants and rhinos: Abstracts of the International Elephant and Rhino Research Symposium, June 7-11, 2001. Vienna, Zoologischer Garten: pp. 1-80


Kretzschmar, P.; Ganslosser, U., 2001. Population growth, sex ratio and reproduction of a natural living population of white rhinoceros: p. 45

 In: Schwammer, H.M. et al. Recent research on elephants and rhinos: Abstracts of the International Elephant and Rhino Research Symposium, June 7-11, 2001. Vienna, Zoologischer Garten: pp. 1-80


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