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Search results for References by foose, t.
Aziz, T.; Foose, T.J., 2006. Indian Rhino Vision 2020. The Horn Newsletter 2006 Spring: 4, figs. 1-2


Blumer, E.S.; Lukas, J.; Foose, T.J., 2006. Foreword: pp. 1-4

 In: Dunn, J.A. North American Save the Rhinos campaign: info pack. No publisher: pp. 1-3, 1-136


Mohamad, A.; Vellayan, S.; Radcliffe, R.W.; Lowenstine, L.J.; Epstein, J.; Reid, S.A.; Paglia, D.E.; Radcliffe, Rolfe M.; Roth, T.L.; Foose, T.J.; Khan, M., 2006. Trypanosomiasis (Surra) in the captive Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis) in peninsular Malaysia: pp. 1-5

 In: Rhino Keeper Workshop Proceedings of the Fourth Rhino Keepers workshop 2005 at Columbus, Ohio. Columbus, Rhino Keepers Workshop


Amin, R.; Thomas, K.; Emslie, R.H.; Foose, T.J.; Strien, N.J.van, 2006. An overview of the conservation status and threats to rhinoceros species in the wild. International Zoo Yearbook 40: 96-117, figs. 1-5, tables 1-2


Foose, T.J.; Wiese, R.J., 2006. Population management of rhinoceros in captivity. International Zoo Yearbook 40: 174-196, figs. 1-5, tables 1-6


Aziz, T.; Foose, T.J., 2006. India Rhino Vision 2020. Save the Rhinos! Campaign Newsletter no. 3, 2006 March 10: 2-3


Foose, T.J.; Blumer, E.S., 2006. Rhino populations rise to the challenge. AZA Communique August: 6-8, figs. 1-3


Foose, T.J., 2006. International studbook for Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), 15 February 2006. Columbus, International Rhino Foundation, pp. 1-20


Foose, T.J., 2006. North American regional studbook: Indian rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis, 28 April 2006. No place, International Rhino Foundation, pp. 1-8


Foose, T.J., 2006. North American regional studbook: Eastern black rhino Diceros bicornis michaeli, 9 March 2006. No place, International Rhino Foundation, pp. 1-9


Khan, M.; Foose, T.J.; Strien, N.J. van, 2005. Rapport du Groupe des Specialistes des Rhinos d'Asie. Pachyderm 38: 16-18


Khan, M.; Foose, T.J.; Strien, N.J. van, 2005. Asian Rhino Specialist Group report. Pachyderm 38: 16-18


Radcliffe, R.W.; Adi, M.; Candra, D.; Strien, N.J.van; Foose, T.J., 2005. Rhino dance in Way Kambas National Park. The Horn Newsletter 2005 Autumn: 6, figs. 1-6


Dean, C.; Foose, T.J., 2005. The threat to rhinos' survival: Habitat loss: pp. 96-98

 In: Fulconis, R. Save the rhinos: EAZA Rhino Campaign 2005/6 Info Pack. London, Save the Rhinos: pp. 1-164


Dean, C.; Foose, T.J., 2005. The threat to rhinos' survival: Political conflict: pp. 99-103

 In: Fulconis, R. Save the rhinos: EAZA Rhino Campaign 2005/6 Info Pack. London, Save the Rhinos: pp. 1-164


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