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Search results for References by flower, w.h.
Flower, W.H.; Lydekker, R., 1911. Article Rhinoceros. In: The Encyclopedia Britannica A Dictionary of Arts, Literature and General Information, pp. 243-245


Flower, W.H., 1891. The horse: a study in natural history. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Truebner and Co, pp. i-xvi, 1-196


Flower, W.H.; Lydekker, R., 1891. An introduction to the study of mammals, living and extinct. London, Adam and Charles Black, pp. i-xvi, 1-763


Flower, W.H.; Lydekker, R., 1891. An introduction to the study of mammals, living and extinct. London, Adam and Charles Black, pp. i-xvi, 1-763


Flower, W.H., 1889. Exhibition of the face of a male African rhinoceros. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1889 November 19: 448-449, fig. 1


Flower, W.H., 1885. An introduction to the osteology of the mammalia. London, Macmillan and Co., pp. i-xi, 1-383


Flower, W.H.; Garson, J.G., 1884. Catalogue of specimens illustrating the osteology and dentition of vertebrated animals, recent and extinct, contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. London, Royal College of Surgeons, vol. 2, pp. i-xliii, 1-779


Flower, W.H., 1880. Exhibition of a skull of a rhinoceros from Borneo. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1880 February 17: 69-70


Flower, W.H., 1878. On the skull of a rhinoceros (R. lasiotis, Scl.?) from India. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1878 June 4: 634-636, table 1


Flower, W.H., 1876. On some cranial and dental characters of the existing species of rhinoceroses. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1876 May 16: 443-457, figs. 1-4


Flower, W.H., 1876. Sur quelques caracteres des especes actuelles de rhinoceros, tires du crane et des dents de ces animaux. Journal de Zoologie, Paris 5: 433-435


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