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Title: Proceedings of the First Rhino Keepers' workshop 1999, sponsored by Disney's Animal Kingdom
Author(s): Mehrdadfar, F.; Barthel, T.; Blue, D.; Corcoran, M.; Corey, L.; Flinkman, D.; Gerstin, J.; Grant, J.; Leonard, I.; Sawyer, V.; Rhino Keeper Workshop; Yang, A.
Year published: 1999
Publisher: [No place], Rhino Keepers Workshop
Volume: -
Pages: -
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Sub-References for this reference:

Foose, T.J. 1999 Populations and conservation of rhinos: pp. 10-15

Kruger, M. et al. 1999 Boma management and translocation of white rhino in the Kruger National Park: pp. 16-35

Erb, P. 1999 Black rhino conservation and translocation in Namibia: pp. 36-39

Dierenfeld, E.S. 1999 Rhinoceros nutrition overview: pp. 40-42

Miller, R.E. 1999 Rhinoceros health and veterinary medecine in North American rhinoceros programs: pp. 43-48

Roth, T.L. 1999 Rhino reproductive physiology - what we know and what we need to know tomorrow for ensuring the long-term stability of our captive breeding programs: pp. 49-51

Radcliffe, R.W. 1999 Reproductive management of the captive rhinoceros: pp. 52-58

Coe, J.C. 1999 An integrated approach to design: how zoo staff can get the best results from new facilities: pp. 59-64

Carlstead, K. 1999 Keeper assessment of black rhinoceros behavior and its role in exhibit design: pp. 65-69

Rieches, R. 1999 A keeper's guide to the introduction and management of the Indian, black and white rhinoceros: pp. 70-93

Cecil, A. et al. 1999 White rhino introductions, a data driven approach: pp. 94-110

Joseph, S. 1999 Rhino training and enrichment at Disney's Animal Kingdom: pp. 111-120

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