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Title: Liveweights of some mammals from Hluhluwe Game Reserve, Zululand
Author(s): Hitchins, P.M.
Year published: 1968
Journal: Lammergeyer
Volume: 9
Pages: 42
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
Hluhluwe - ground counts - Diceros bicornis Result of counts 1961 1967 Northern area 177 104 Southern area 123 122 Total 300 226 End

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Morphology - Size
Black Rhino
Animals in Hluhluwe, SA - live weights in pounds Male, 8 specimens, range: 1563-2254 pounds, mean 1882.5 pounds Female, 6 specimens, range 1586-2500 pounds, mean 1953.3 pounds

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