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Hitij T.; Billia, E.M.E.; Polak, S., 2023. Prva odkritja hundsheimskih nosorogov Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis (Toula, 1902) v Sloveniji; najdisce 5 v kamnolomu Crni Kal [The first find of the Hundsheim rhinoceros, Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis (Toula, 1902), in Slovenia; site 5 in the Crni Kal quarry] [in Slovenian]. Geoloski Zbornik, Rasprave-Porocila, 26. Posvetovanje Slovenskih Geologov, Univerza v Ljubljani, 26/1: 59-63, 2 figs

Location: Europe
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Fossil

Original text on this topic:
Abstract - The present article speaks about some S. hundsheimensis (Toula) remains recently recovered in the Crni Kal (San Sergio, in Italian) quarry (253 m asl; 45°33?00?N 13°52?42?E). The quarry lies along the 409 high-way about 3,5 km SE of the Osp village (Koper Municipality, Primorska region [Slovenian Karst-Littoral statistical region]). In this cave – opened in 1955 – Eocene Alveolinid-Nummulitid limestone is extracted. It is considered one of the oldest quarries in Primorska (Slovensko Primorje, or “Slovenian Coast”; “Litorale Sloveno”, in Italian). Already shortly after its opening (1955), the quarry revealed itself to be palaeontologically very rich.
About other fossil remains found in the same quarry vide autem in Adam (1958) as well as in Rakovec (1958).

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