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Badura, J.; Ciszek, D.; Kotowski, A.; Przybylski, B.; Ratajczak, U.; Stefaniak, K.; Urbanski, K. , 2017. Szczatki nosorozca (Stephanorhinus sp.) oraz daniela (Dama dama) odkryte w osadach kopalnego jeziora eemskiego na Równinie Gorzowskiej [Remains of rhinoceros (Stephanorhinus sp.) and fallow deer (Dama dama) discovered in Eemian lake sediments in the Gorzów Plain (NW Poland)] [in Polish, English abstr]. Przeglad Geologiczny 65 (4): 219-226, 11 figs

Location: Europe - Estern Europe - Poland
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Fossil

Original text on this topic:
Details: later the authors ascribed the Stephanorhinus sp. remains to Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis [Jäger].

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