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Ferreira, S.M.; Botha, J.M.; Emmett, M.C., 2012. Anthropogenic influences on conservation values of white rhinoceros. PLoS ONE 7(9): e45989. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045989: 1-14

Location: Africa - Southern Africa
Subject: Conservation
Species: African Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
White rhinoceros (rhinos) is a keystone conservation species and also provides revenue for protection agencies. Restoring or
mimicking the outcomes of impeded ecological processes allows reconciliation of biodiversity and financial objectives. We
evaluate the consequences of white rhino management removal, and in recent times, poaching, on population persistence,
regional conservation outcomes and opportunities for revenue generation. In Kruger National Park, white rhinos increased
from 1998 to 2008. Since then the population may vary non-directionally. In 2010, we estimated 10,621 (95% CI: 8,767–
12,682) white rhinos using three different population estimation methods. The desired management effect of a varying
population was detectable after 2008. Age and sex structures in sink areas (focal rhino capture areas) were different from
elsewhere. This comes from relatively more sub-adults being removed by managers than what the standing age distribution
defined. Poachers in turn focused on more adults in 2011. Although the effect of poaching was not detectable at the
population level given the confidence intervals of estimates, managers accommodated expected poaching annually and
adapted management removals. The present poaching trend predicts that 432 white rhinos may be poached in Kruger
during 2012. The white rhino management model mimicking outcomes of impeded ecological processes predicts 397 rhino
management removals are required. At present poachers may be doing ‘‘management removals,’’ but conservationists have
no opportunity left to contribute to regional rhino conservation strategies or generate revenue through white rhino sales. In
addition, continued trends in poaching predict detectable white rhino declines in Kruger National Park by 2016. Our results
suggest that conservationists need innovative approaches that reduce financial incentives to curb the threats that poaching
poses to several conservation values of natural resources such as white rhinos.

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