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Baryshnikov, G.F.; Guérin, C., 1986. Ostatki nosoroga Dicerorhinus etruscus brachycephalus iz ashel’skogo sloya peshchery Kudaro 1 (Bol’shoy Kavkaz) [Remains of the rhinoceros Dicerorhinus etruscus brachycephalus from the Acheulean Layer of the cave Kudaro 1 (Greater Caucasus)] (in Vereshchagin N.K. & Kuz’mina I.E., eds: Mleklopitayushchie Chetvertichnoy Fauny SSSR). Trudy ZIN AN SSSR, Izd-vo AN SSSR, Moskva/Leningrad 149: 62-73, 7 figs., 8 tabs.

Location: Asia - West Asia
Subject: Morphology - Skull
Species: Fossil

Original text on this topic:
See also Guérin & Baryshnikov (1987), a paper (in French) concerning the same remains from the Kudaro-1 cave.

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