Lammers, I., 1998. Illegale handel kent geen grenzen. Panda 1998 Winter: 9-11, figs. 1-5, map 1
Location: |
World |
Subject: |
Value - Related to Horn |
Species: |
All Rhino Species |
The trade routes of rhino horns to Yemen are many thousands of years old. The use of the horn for dagger handles is equally old. Formerly the right to carry a jambiya was restricted to men of high status, but now everybody is allowed. There is also more money than formerly. Due to rising oil prices in the 1970's and increased employment, many men can now afford the jambiya. About 80% of the handles in Sanaa (about 100.000 a year) are made from the horn of waterbuffalo.
In 1982 the import of rhino horn is forbidden. In 1996 there were still handles made from rhino horn. A new rhino jambiya then cost about 600 guilders. Old iambiyas can cost five times as much. Traffic does not expect that more rhino horn handles will be made in the coming years than now, because there is an economic crisis. The population is growing and there is shortage of water and electricity. Some men no longer buy rhino horn due to documentaries made by WWF shown on Yemen television. In June 1997 Yemen joined CITES.