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Dennler de la Tour, G., 1957. Wild und Wildschutzgebiete in Westafrika. Buenos Aires, Dennler de la Tour, pp. 1-230

Location: World
Subject: Taxonomy - Nomenclature
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Reason to use Rhinoceros not Diceros. Rhinos have been given a series of genus names in the course of time, of which Rhinoceros for the Asian forms and Diceros & Ceratotherium have established themsleves. We however keep to Rhinoceros for all forms, because the genus name (Namenkreis) doesn't say anything about the larger or smaller systematic relationship, but only helps in orientation. That is surely easier with Rhinoceros than with names which confuse laymen, like Ceratotherium which looks like a name for a fossil species.

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