user: pass:

Khan, M.; Foose, T.J.; Strien, N.J. van, 1998. Chairman's report: Asian Rhino Specialist Group. Pachyderm 25: 6-7

Location: Asia - East Asia - Vietnam
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Asian Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
An action plan for the rhino has been formulated at a workshop conducted at Hanoi at end of May 1998 and is currently under review by Vietnamese authorities (central and provincial). A major project for Cat Tien supported by Netherlands Government through WWF will enhance these efforts but more support may be needed. Three major components of the action plan:
(1) provide more guards for Cat Loc
(2) attempt to maintain surviving and recover some recently lost rhino habitat
(3) try to improve the quality of the habitat.

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