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Monard, A., 1935. Contribution a la mammalogie d'Angola et prodrome d'une faune d'Angola. Arquivos do Museu Bocage 6: 1-314

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - Angola
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The rhinoceros is rare in Angola. It occurs only in the southern parts of the colony and we could certify its presence only in three regions:
Chimporo, where one was killed by Dr Hertig in 1928;
the region of Kafima, where locals affirm its presence;
the region of the Mui, west of Kuvelai.
A Swiss article tells about a rhinoceros hunt in the region of the upper Coroca.
Bocage mentions it from the southernmost areas, where Capello and Ivens observed it.
It would also exist in the region which extends in the south between the Kuvangu and the Zambezi.
Statham mentions it from the following localities: Source of the Bero river, upper reaches of the Otyinjau and between that river and the Kakulovar, on the upper reaches of the Kuvangu, of the Kului, and its tributaries towards Dongo, on the Kutyi, towards the post of the same name, and in the extreme south-east. It seems it has disappeared from the Kuvangu, Kului and Dongo, as we have camped in the area and heard nothing of rhinoceros. At the same time, it may no longer exist in the region of the upper Kuvangu and probably the Kutyi.
Marquardsen said it lived south of the 13 th degree; Kaporolo would be the most northern place of occurrence. We have brought back a head of the animal killed at Chimporo by Dr. Hertig in 1928.

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