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Latest References
Santymire, R.M.; Meyer, J.; Bird, J.; Schulte, B.; Freeman, E., 2011. Using non-invasive methods to investigate factors affecting the success of the black rhinoceros: example from Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa. Proceedings of the 8th TAWIRU Scientific Conference, Tanzania, pp. 378-384


Etienne, C.; Houssaye, A.; Fagan, M.J.; Hutchinson, J.R., 2024. Estimation of the forces exerted on the limb long bones of a white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) using musculoskeletal modelling and simulation. Journal of Anatomy 2024: 1-18 - DOI: 10.1111/joa.14041


Hiller, C.; t Sas Rolfes, M., 2024. Systematic review of the impact of restrictive wildlife trade measures on conservation of iconic species in southern Africa. Conservation Biology 2024;e14262: 1-21 -


Ma, Jiao; Wang, Shiqi; Deng, Tao, 2024. When the woolly rhinoceroses roamed East Asia: a review of isotopic paleoecology of the genus Coelodonta from the Tibetan Plateau to northern Eurasia. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution - Section Paleoecology 12: 1-15, 5 figs, 1 tab -


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Wiradeti, W.; Yulianto, Y.; Raksasewu, K.; Adriyanto, B., 2024. Is the Javan tiger Panthera tigris sondaica extant? DNA analysis of recent hair sample. Oryx First View 21 March: 1-6, doi:10.1017/S0030605323001400


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Camper, P.; Otto, B.C. (translator), 1798. Zweyter Anhang: zu dem zweyhörnigen Nashorn. In: Naturgeschichte der vierfussigen Thiere. Aus dem Franzosischen ubersetzt, mit Anmerkungen. Berlin, Joachim Pauli, vol. 22, pp. 141-188


Camper, P.; Otto, B.C. (translator), 1798. Zweyter Anhang: zu dem zweyhörnigen Nashorn. In: Naturgeschichte der vierfussigen Thiere. Aus dem Franzosischen ubersetzt, mit Anmerkungen. Berlin, Joachim Pauli, vol. 22, pp. 141-188


Sigtenhorst, A.J. van den, 1821. De kleine natuurkenner; een geschenk voor de jeugd. Een nuttig leesboek tot uitbreiding van de kennis der natuur en der volken. Deventer, A.J. van den Sigtenhorst, pp. 1-165


Tourniaire, 1819. Ein prachtiges mannliches Nashorn oder Rhinoceros, in Leipzig. Leipziger Zeitung No. 78, Thursday 22 April 1819, Beylage, p.904


Faujas St.Fond, B., 1803. Essai de geologie, ou mémoires pour servir l'histoire naturelle du globe, vol. 1. Paris, C.F. Patris, pp. 1-493


Khan, M.R.; Khan, B.N.; Ullah, Z.; Nazir, F.; Mukhtar, A.; Rauf, M.; Azhar, M.; Mushtaque, A.; Fatima, R., 2024. Biometrical analysis of the Indian One Horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) in Laal Suhanra National Park, Pakistan. Markhor, the Journal of Zoology 5 (1): 21-26


Aye Myat Thu; Ye Htet Lwin; Rui-Chang Quan, 2024. Mammals of Myanmar: an annotated checklist. Mammalia 2024: 1-51 - 10.1515/mammalia-2023-0098


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