Search results for References by kufwafwa, j.w.
Stelfox, J.G.; Kufwafwa, J.W.; Ottichila, W.K., 1984. Monitoring elephant and rhino trends in Kenya. Pachyderm 4: 15


Stelfox, J.G.; Kufwafwa, J.W.; Ottichilo, W.K., 1981. Distributions and population trend of elephants and rhinoceros in Kenya: 1977-1981. Kenya Rangeland Ecological Monitoring Unit, Technical Report no. 43: pp. i-vi, 1-40


Stelfox, J.G.; Kufwafwa, J.W.; Mbugua, S.W., 1979. Distributions, densities and trends of elephants and rhinoceros in Kenya: 1977-1978 from Kremu's aerial surveys. Report to Kenya Rangeland Ecological Monitoring Unit, pp. 1-23
