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Image details from the RRC Image Gallery:
Stephanorhinus etruscus (Falconer) reconstruction by Angelo Barili
Image Details:

Stephanorhinus etruscus (Falconer) reconstruction by Angelo Barili

Author: Angelo Barili
Year: 2009
Description: The reconstruction showing the muscular system of Stephanorhinus etruscus (Falconer) by Angelo Barili (from: "Il grande lago, il fiume, la foresta, il mare - Frammenti di Paleontolgia in Umbria", Catalogo-guida alla Mostra Aprile/Novembre 2004, Centro di Paleontologia Vegetale della Foresta fossile di Dunarobba, Arti Grafiche Celori, Terni)
Location: Europe
Subject: Anatomy - Muscles
Species: Fossil
File Size: 820,1 kb
Dimensions: 1890x1105 px
High-res: This image is protected and you can not download the high-res version To view the high resolution image please register and contact the moderator

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