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A skull of Hyracodon nebraskensis (Leidy, 1850), Oligocene of S-Dakota
Image Details:

A skull of Hyracodon nebraskensis (Leidy, 1850), Oligocene of S-Dakota

Author: Michael Friml (photographer)
Year: 2024
Description: A skull of Hyracodon nebraskensis (Leidy, 1850), a small rhino relative from the Brule Formation, Oligocene of South Dakota, preserved in the Museum of Geology of Rapid City (Dakota). Photo taken in July 2024.
Location: America - North America
Subject: Museums
Species: Fossil
File Size: 1.729 kb
Dimensions: 1639x1229 px
High-res: This image is protected and you can not download the high-res version To view the high resolution image please register and contact the moderator

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